Disco Development Note¶
See also
Learn about reStructuredText Markup
- Elasticsearch Reindex
- Raspberry Pi + SenseHAT + ElasticSearch + Python + Node-RED = Awesomeness
- How to Build and Deploy our Web Application
- Secure Access Token to PMIS Web Service
- Web Application + Maven + Eclipse
- Window - How to Install ModSecurity for Apache
- Linux - How to Install ModSecurity for Apache
- Nginx File Upload Handler Install & Configuration
- PMIS - Linux Server Configuration
- Creating an ad hoc Wi-Fi network
- Raspberry Pi, Pocketsphinx STT and Jasper Good Stuff...
- Disk Input/Output Performance Test with Linux
- Install Varnish on a Raspberry Pi
- Compile & Install Nginx for Raspberry Pi 2
- Learning Python Episode One
- Learning Python Episode Two
- Nginx File Upload Handler Install & Configuration
- PMIS Framework Training
- How to import and export Oracle user between servers
- How to Install and Update PMIS Manual with Sphinx
- Apache Tomcat Service Install How-To
- Session User Role Management
- Background Job in Java
- Aconex - Basic Training TODO List
- Oracle LISTAGG Example
- Oracle 11g r2 Installation on RHEL/CentOS 6.x/5.x/4.x
- Pmis File Manager jQuery Plugin
- How to Oracle DB Tablespace & Schema
- DocListMain_*.jsp Parameters List
- Oracle DB Backup Shell Script
- CKeditor How To
- DB Version Control Update Script
- Example for reStructuredText
- Add Leading Zero to Query Data
- Arguments Validation Java Class
- Attributes and custom properties in HTML
- BaseAction
- Cascading Order and Inheritance in CSS
- CheckDuple Action
- Checked versus unchecked exceptions
- Code Conventions for Java
- COMM_ATTCH_FILE Specification Doc Format
- CommonService saveContentToFile
- Compress Javascript file ( javascript compressor )
- Content-Disposition and Encodings
- Copy Table Data Query
- CoreAction - NoSessionCoreAction
- Cross browser javascript fix
- CSS3 box-sizing
- DAUM Editor
- Daum Editor <checkbox> <radiobox> <popup>
- Daum Editor Functions and Events
- Declaring character encodings in CSS
- Declaring variables before or in loop
- drop table constraints
- FileCopyInterceptor
- FlexGrid Remove Multiple Rows
- Fluid Layout!!!
- Framework configuration
- Functions call, bind, apply
- Good CSS for HTML & BODY Element
- Grid Excel Export
- HTML, Javascript, CSS Formatter
- HTML Compressor Online Tool
- HTML5 Standard Specification Website
- I18nInterceptor
- iBatis and HashMap
- Input Mask
- Java concurrency (multi-threading) - tutorial
- Java REGEX Test Page
- jqGrid Custom Formatter
- jqGrid Custom Select Row
- jqGrid default options
- jqGrid Draggable Tree ( change row position )
- jqGrid find clicked column by name
- jqGrid Footer Row ( Total Row )
- jqGrid getLocalRow vs getRowData
- jqGrid Paging Example
- jqGrid Save Editing Row Before Request
- jqGrid search
- jqGrid Settings Object Content Example
- JQuery Calendar ( datepicker )
- JQUERY Dialog
- jQuery Dialog As Qtip
- jQuery Dialog Reload Page ( useful for paging in dialog )
- JQuery GRID (jqGrid)
- jQuery Plugin How to Create a Plugin
- jQuery Tooltip qTip2
- JSONInterceptor
- JSTL JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
- linux rsync merge folder + symbolic link
- Load select options using Ajax and CoreAction
- Main Page Header Content Example
- ModalWindow -> jQuery Dialog
- Ognl variable name and get set problem
- Oracle Overall Result Hierarchical Query Template
- Parameters class
- PMIS z-index Settings
- pmis.trigger ( ex DOJO Topic )
- PreparableInterceptor
- SessionInterceptor
- Spring Security 2
- SSL Tomcat Configuration
- Strict Mode and Immediately-Invoked Function Expression
- Tabs Sangah Widget
- TemporaryFileAction
- TemporaryFileService
- Thread Management
- Top Message Box
- TransactionInterceptor
- UnwrapExceptionMappingInterceptor
- UploadAction
- uploading file process
- Useful javascript functions
- User Info
- Wrapper for main page
- XmlInterceptor ( How to call another project’s action )
- Media Types Official List (ContentType)
- System Properties
Python Scripts:¶
You can find these scripts inside the folder
.If you want to execute them, you can use the
Jython Console
from the devtool
menu.- Add organization authorization to every document inside the project set
- Add recipient to document
- Add/Remove leading zero to the doc_id of document
- AlimiThread test
- Check EDMS File Existance
- Copy edms file from one fileseq to another
- CoreDao with Form
- CoreDao with Map
- DB Version Info
- Delete EDMS file with doc_cd
- Delete old pdf and generate pdf for a given document
- EncodeUtil Key Generation
- Encryption/decryption test
- Export all project users
- Extract edms file by user
- Generate document ID if null
- Generate pdf for a given document
- Generate pdf for a given document & delete edms file
- How to issue a single SQL execute
- Java Total/Free/Used Memory
- Kill Inactive Sessions
- Load menu detail
- Load webpage with URL
- MessageDigest
- MessageDigest Test & SHA Key
- MultiSchedulerTest exec rsync&scp test
- Print class information
- RuntimeUtil Example
- Security provider list
- Session & request information
- SimpleDateFormat Test
- Update document ID
- Update drawing authorization given a document
- Week service test