.. _db-backup-script: ============================= Oracle DB Backup Shell Script ============================= This backup script is only valid for Linux server. File dbdump.sh .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/sh export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 export ORACLE_SCHEMA=$2 export ORACLE_SID=$1 EXPORT_FOLDER=/home/sangah/dbdump ORACLE_USER= ORACLE_PASSWORD= DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M") $ORACLE_HOME/bin/expdp $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASSWORD \ directory=SANGAH_DUMP_DIR schemas=${ORACLE_SCHEMA} \ dumpfile=$DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.dmp \ logfile=$DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.log rows=y consistent=y feedback=1000 cd $EXPORT_FOLDER tar cjf $DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.tar.bz2 \ $DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.dmp \ $DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.log rm $EXPORT_FOLDER/$DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.dmp $EXPORT_FOLDER/$DATE-${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.log find $EXPORT_FOLDER/*${ORACLE_SCHEMA}_export.tar.bz2 -mtime +15 -delete File dbbackup.sh Append to this file all the users that you want to backup. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/sh # Add the following line to crontab ( to edit crontab use the command: crontab -e ) # 05 12 * * * sh /home/sangah/script/dbbackup.sh echo Starting DB backup... sh /home/sangah/script/dbdump.sh AL32UTF8 YRP sh /home/sangah/script/dbdump.sh AL32UTF8 LCT sh /home/sangah/script/dbdump.sh AL32UTF8 DSP ... Put these files in a folder on the server, then type :: > crontab -e Add the following schedule to the crontab and save :: 05 12 * * * sh /home/sangah/script/dbbackup.sh .. note:: Replace the folder */home/sangah/script/* with your folder.