.. _input-mask: ========== Input Mask ========== :: data-dsize: the number of decimal places to format the number to ( in case 'numeric' or 'number' masktype is used ) data-masktype:: date shortdate -> 2013-04 mediumdate -> 2013-04-01 longdate = date -> 2013-01-01 10:12 | 2013-01-01 오전 10:12 zipcode ssn currency percent numeric, number email jumin string data-keylvl:: R -> READONLY H -> REQUIRED M -> if the value is empty a popup will ask if we want to save the empty field ( not tested! ) class available:: input_data3, input_text -> NORMAL textbox input_data2, input_required -> REQUIRED textbox input_data1, input_readonly -> READONLY textbox :: == == .. note:: [NOTE maxlength property is required during validation if data-masktype="STRING" is used] Input alignment automatic method: .. warning:: DEPRECATED do not use it :: the input will be resized as follow: parent.width - 45