.. _json-tags: ========= JSON TAGS ========= tags: #. output: {} #. output: "test": {} #. output: "test": "String value from ValueStack" #. output: "test": "Number value from ValueStack" #. output: "valuefromvaluestack" #. output: [] #. output: "listName": [] #. "test" output: var name = "test" ; example: -------- .. code-block:: html <%@taglib prefix="j" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/json"%> output: ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: json { "error": { "type": "...", "message": "...", "stackTrace": [ { "className": "...", "method": "...", "line": "..." }, { ... } ] } } example: -------- .. code-block:: html output: ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: javascript var data = { "fileId" : "...", "fileName": "...", "fileSizeName": "...", "contentType": "..." } .. note:: [IMPORTANT!] | If request.setAttribute is used, is required the use of '#request.' to retrieve the object in the request. | If the object to retrieve is a property of an action it can be referenced by name without any other alias. | If the object to retrieve is put in the ValueStack it can be referenced by name without any other alias. ------------------ Action: :: ... request.setAttribute("list", list); ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack().set("list2", list2); ------------------ JSP: :: ... .. note:: [NOTE] if this exception is thrown: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.String change [