.. highlight:: rest .. index:: REST .. sectionauthor:: Emanuele Disco .. _restructured-text-example: ============================ Example for reStructuredText ============================ .. versionadded:: 2.5 -------------- Take a look at the rest specification at this `link `_. :: To make a link you can use the embedded URI method: `link label `_ or the recommended hyperlink target method: `link`_ .. _link: http://example.com This one too is a `link `__ but is an `Anonymous Hyperlink`__. .. __: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#anonymous-hyperlinks -------------------- .. _thisis-a-subsection: -------------------- This is a subsection -------------------- We can reference this page with this link :ref:`restructured-text-example` everywhere in this documentation. :: :ref:`restructured-text-example` -------------------- **Java String Object will remove the leading zero if a number is returned without formatting** -------------------- This is a code sample ``test``. fix:: > RTRIM(TO_CHAR(PLAN_RATE, 'FM99990D99'), '.') PLAN_RATE reference:: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/sql_elements004.htm http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/functions/rtrim.php -------------------- We can put images too! .. image:: _images/example.gif .. _sample-code: ############## This is a Part ############## This is a reference to a previous section `thisis-a-subsection`_. --------------- This is an html code example: .. code-block:: html Ciao ..and this one is a javascript code sample: :subscript:`For code-block blocks, a linenos flag option can be given to switch on line numbers for the individual block` .. code-block:: javascript :linenos: var ids = grid.jqGrid('getDataIDs'); for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ ){ var ret = grid.jqGrid('getRowData', ids[i]); params.push({ name: "seq", value: ret.hist_seq }); } $.ajax({ url: "/Doc/RegisterAddAuth.action", data: params, type: "POST" }).done(function(){ pmis.successMessage(''); }); .. This is a comment you will not see it! .. note:: This is a note admonition. This is the second line of the first paragraph. - The note contains all indented body elements following. - It includes this bullet list. .. warning:: This is a warning!!! .. important:: This is really important!!! .. tip:: This is a tip! """"""""" Paragraph """"""""" Lorem ipsum [Ref]_ dolor sit amet. .. [Ref] Book or article reference, URL or whatever. +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ | row 1, col 1 | column 2 | column 3 | column 4 | +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ | row 2 | | +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ | row 3 | | | | +--------------+----------+-----------+-----------+ Link to a file """""""""""""""""" This is a link to a file `SAH-CI-INIT-1001(A)-D.pdf <_static/SAH-CI-INIT-1001(A)-D.pdf>`_ This is another link to a file `SAH-CI-INIT-1001(A)-D.pdf`_ .. _SAH-CI-INIT-1001(A)-D.pdf: _static/SAH-CI-INIT-1001(A)-D.pdf Add some index! """"""""""""""""" :: .. index:: single: execution; context module: __main__ module: sys triple: module; search; path see: entry; other This is a normal reST :index:`paragraph` that contains several :index:`index entries `.