.. _windows-modsecurity-install-howto: ============================================== Window - How to Install ModSecurity for Apache ============================================== 1. Enable ``mod_unique_id`` module ------------------------------------- Make sure you have the ``mod_unique_id`` module installed. The module is packaged with WAMP Package for Windows. .. figure:: _images/modsec/modsec1.png .. figure:: _images/modsec/modsec2.png .. figure:: _images/modsec/modsec3.png Now the module is enabled and you can keep going. 2. Grap the source! ----------------------- For windows go here: http://www.apachelounge.com/download/ and take the right version compatible for Apache installed on the server Mostly we are using ``wampserver 64bit`` build with ``VC11`` for windows servers so the right version can be found inside this package: http://www.apachelounge.com/download/VC11/modules/modules-2.4-win64-VC11.zip 3. Copy the files! You need to copy ``yajl.dll`` inside the Apache ``bin`` folder. You will find ``mod_security`` already inside ``extra-modules`` folder! .. important:: If the folder exists just skip this step otherwise keep going. Create a folder named ``mod_security2`` inside the ``modules`` folder of Apache ex. ``...\apache2.4.9\modules\mod_security2`` and put inside the folder the file ``mod_security2.so``. .. figure:: _images/modsec/modsec4.png .. figure:: _images/modsec/modsec5.png 3. Enable the module! --------------------------- Enable the module adding this directive to the ``httpd.conf`` file:: #Add the following rule to load the security module. LoadModule security2_module modules/mod_security2/mod_security2.so Inside the modsecurity folder there is a file named ``modsecurity.conf-recommended`` rename it as ``modsecurity.conf`` and put it inside the conf folder of Apache installation folder. ex. here -> ``..\apache2.4.9\conf\extra`` Apache need to load this configuration file so add the following directive inside httpd.conf:: Include conf/extra/modsecurity.conf 4. CRS Configuration ------------------------- (https://www.modsecurity.org/CRS/Documentation/quickstart.html) Get the archive with all the rules from here: https://github.com/SpiderLabs/owasp-modsecurity-crs/releases For this tutorial I will use the version 2.2.9 taken from here: https://github.com/SpiderLabs/owasp-modsecurity-crs/releases/tag/2.2.9 Create a folder ``activated_rules`` inside ``extra-modules\mod_security-2.8.0`` and copy inside this folder all the rules that you find here: Rename the file ``modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.example`` to ``modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf`` and copy the file inside the folder ``conf/extra``. Create a file ``modsecurity_crs_99_whitelist.conf`` inside the ``activated_rules`` folder if it doesn't exists already, and add the following whitelist directives at the end of the file: Whitelisted rules -> Apache need to load this conf files so we need to add some directives inside ``httpd.conf``:: IncludeOptional conf/extra/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf IncludeOptional modules/mod_security2/activated_rules/*.conf At the end of httpd.conf file you should have the following directives:: ... # mod security # [IMPORTANT] Put this directive before the Include directives! LoadModule security2_module modules/mod_security2.so # Put all the Include after the LAST LoadModule directive! Include conf/extra/modsecurity.conf IncludeOptional conf/extra/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf IncludeOptional extra-modules/mod_security-2.8.0/activated_rules/*.conf .. important:: **Put all the ``Include`` directives after the LAST ``LoadModule`` directive!** 5. Turn it ON! -------------------- ModSecurity by default is ``DetectionOnly`` in order to stop bad things happening we need to change the ``SecRuleEngine`` directive and turn it ``On``! Modify the file ``modsecurity.conf`` and change the following directive:: #SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly SecRuleEngine On Restart the apache server and we have done! 6. Read the log! ---------------------- ModSecurity will write his log into the file defined from the following directive:: SecAuditLog logs/modsec_audit.log Check it and see if it block bad things! .. note:: Reference Manual https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/Reference-Manual