Generate pdf for a given documentΒΆ
You can find these scripts inside the folder
.If you want to execute them, you can use the
Jython Console
from the devtool
menu.filename =>
# ============ DEPRECATED ============
list = sql('''
select doc_id, file_seq, doc_seq, owner_id, PJT_CD from document where doc_id = 'CSCEC-LETTER-2014-0080';
for doc in list:
print doc
revid = sql('select revid as revid from comm_attch_file where file_seq =' + str(doc['FILE_SEQ']) +' and format_div=11 order by reg_date desc;')
print revid[0]['REVID']
param = HashMap()
param.put('revid', revid[0]['REVID'] )
param.put('owner_id', doc['OWNER_ID'] )
param.put('file_seq', str(doc['FILE_SEQ']))
param.put('doc_id', doc['DOC_ID'])
param.put('pjt_cd', doc['PJT_CD'])
serv = Beans.documentService
print param
serv.generatePdf( param )