Load webpage with URLΒΆ


You can find these scripts inside the folder pmis/STND_PMIS/test/console/example.
If you want to execute them, you can use the Jython Console from the devtool menu.

filename => ex24.py

from java.net import URL
from javax.xml.parsers import *
from java.io import *
from org.w3c.dom import Document

url = URL("http://localhost:8003/Core/Document/viewPrint.action?doc_seq=134451&owner_id=kspmisadmin&forward=/pmis/STND_PMIS/doc2/DocPrint.jsp")
spoof = url.openConnection()
spoof.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0;    H010818)")
br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(url.openStream()))
strLine = ""
finalHTML = ""

strLine = br.readLine()
while strLine is not None:
    finalHTML += strLine
    strLine = br.readLine()

print finalHTML.encode("UTF-8")