Update drawing authorization given a documentΒΆ
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menu.filename => ex39.py
coreDao = Beans.coreDao
docService = Beans.documentService
registerService = Beans.registerService
docs = sql('''
select * from document where doc_seq = 151627;
for doc in docs:
print doc
doc = docService.loadDocument(doc['DOC_SEQ'], doc['OWNER_ID'])
params = HashMap()
params.put("document_seq", doc['DOC_SEQ'] )
trndocs = coreDao.getList("core.sql.transmittalDocList", params);
for reg in trndocs:
registerService.addUserAuth( reg.get("hist_seq"), doc.get("owner_id") )
#registerService.addEntprsAuth( reg.get("hist_seq"), doc.get("owner_entprs_cd") )
print('Script complete')