Update document IDΒΆ
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menu.filename => ex31.py
# CAUTION! This script will create additional id
# check the table that will store the ids before running the script
from pmis.common.util import CustomHashMap
docServ = Beans.documentService
list = sql('''
select doc_seq, owner_id
from document t1
where pjt_cd = 'CCE_TEST'
and doc_status in ('IDLE', 'SENT')
and doc_id is not null
and (select entprs_cd from pmis_user where user_no = t1.entry_id) != '506-81-02280'
order by doc_seq asc;
for _d in list:
dparam = CustomHashMap();
d = docServ.loadDocument( dparam.get('DOC_SEQ'), dparam.get('OWNER_ID') )
docid = docServ.getNextDocId( d )
d.put( 'doc_id', docid )
print 'update: ' + d.get('doc_seq')
rlist = sql('''
select doc_seq, owner_id
from document
where 1=1
and doc_seq = ?
order by doc_seq asc;
''', dparam.get('DOC_SEQ'))
print 'updating: ' + d.get('doc_seq')
for _dd in rlist:
dparam = CustomHashMap();
dd = docServ.loadDocument( dparam.get('DOC_SEQ'), dparam.get('OWNER_ID') )
dd.put('doc_id', docid)
print ' > user: ' + dd.get('owner_id')
# remove the comment to save the document
#docServ.updateDocument(dd.get('doc_seq'), dd.get('owner_id'), dd)
print 'Script terminated!'